понедельник, 26 ноября 2007 г.

Toolkit для SCCM 2007.

Тут можно скачать первый набор утилит для Configuration Manager.

В него входят:
  • Client Spy - утилита для решения проблем с распространением софта, инвентаризацией, и software metering для клиентов sccm.
  • Policy Spy - Смотрельщик политик клиента.
  • Trace32 - как и раньше, так называется log viewer.

  • Security Configuration Wizard Template for Configuration Manager 2007 - An attack-surface reduction tool for the Microsoft Windows Server 2003 operating system with Service Pack 1 and Service Pack 2 (SP1 and SP2) that determines the minimum functionality required for a server's role or roles, and disables functionality that is not required.
  • DCM Model Verification - A tool used by desired configuration management content administrators for the validation and testing of configuration items and baselines authored externally from the Configuration Manager console.
  • DCM Digest Conversion - A tool used by desired configuration management content administrators to convert existing SMS 2003 Desired Configuration Management Solution templates to Desired Configuration Management 2007 configuration items.
  • DCM Substitution Variables - A tool used by desired configuration management content administrators for authoring desired configuration management configuration items that use chained setting and object discovery.

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